is your relationship not what it used to be?
Are you struggling with arguments that just don’t seem to ever get resolved? Is there a distance between you that wasn’t there before? Do you feel like you are just sharing a space, not really being ‘together’?
We all want to be close and connected with others. Yet, people are hard. People can be frustrating. And our partner doesn’t come with an instruction manual. Relationships naturally change over time, and sometimes we need help to adapt to these changes.

To make a relationship last: couples must become better friends, learn to manage conflict, and create ways to support each other’s hopes and dreams
Reasons people come for Relationship Counselling
- Nurture the friendship in your relationship for a lifetime together
- Regain the intimacy and connection you once shared
- Enhance fondness and admiration of each other
- Learn to manage conflict
- Learn to have difficult conversations
- Build trust, commitment and loyalty
- Create a shared sense of purpose, meaning and life dreams
- Rebuilding trust that has been broken by infidelity, emotional affairs or other betrayals
- Creating shared understanding and vision for your parenting